
TO Molefe is a Cape Town-based writer. His essay Black Anger and White Obliviousness is now available on Mampoer shorts. Follow him on Twitter.

4 thoughts on “About

  1. antony says:

    So TO, how do you feel about a bit of longform journalism.
    inbox me at antonya at mampoer dot co dot za if you wanna chat…


  2. michaelgraaf says:

    Wondering at your choice of blog name. To old farts like me “modular” invokes the pivotal engagement between apartheid armed forces (with UNITA allies) and those of SWAPO & MPLA (with Cuban & MK allies) in the late 80s: Operation Modular.

    • T.O.M says:

      Interesting. The name’s inspired by the concept of modular design, where a complete system is comprised of discrete, interoperable components that are functional in their own right. The concept is present in just about everything in the universe, including, it appears, the design of military operations in questionable wars. Disclaimer: All wars are questionable.

  3. Russell says:

    Actually it comes from Architectural theory, as does your diagram – from le Corbusier to be precise.

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